Week #52
We will finish the year with the last 4 books written by the apostle, John; three short letters followed by the book of Revelation. In Revelation, we start by reading letters to the 7 churches of Asia, the opening of the 7 seals, the last 7 plagues and the 7 bowls of wrath. The Bible and the book ends with the declaration of a victorious God, and a defeated Satan. We close out with a description of the new Jerusalem and blessings for the obedient.
You did it! You read the entire Bible, in the order it happened, in one year! It was a lot of fun, right? We hope you learned a lot and that you have a better feel for the story now. Now January 1 is almost here. Let's do it again!
Week #51
With 2 weeks to go until the end of the year, we will read a lot of shorter letters before we finish up the year in Revelation. We will finish Hebrews, and then read letters from Paul to Timothy and Titus. We then read 2 letters from Peter and one from Jude, one of Jesus's half brothers. Finally we read the last letter of Paul to Timothy. At this point Paul knows his death is close, and he encourages Timothy to preach the Gospel.
Week #50
With 3 weeks to go now, we continue in Acts with Paul's 3rd journey. We will read that Paul will eventually make it to Rome, as he desired. We will read the book of Philemon, a letter from Paul to the Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians, and the beginning of a letter to the Hebrews.
Week #49
Can you believe we only have 4 weeks left?! If you have made it this far, congrats! Now let's finish strong. We continue with Paul's letters this week. We finish the second letter to the Corinthians, and as he continues his travels he writes to the Galatians, and Romans. We learn that Paul has a desire to visit Rome, and he tells them how to be saved. These are extremely important chapters in Romans. Maybe consider reading them twice.
Week #48
This week is all about Paul, his travels, and his letters. He starts off meeting Timothy and traveling to Greece. He then travels to Corinth, where he writes 2 letters to Thessalonica. He next travels to Ephesus, where he receives a letter from Corinth and pens a response. We end the week with Paul traveling to Macedonia, where he writes a second letter to the church at Corinth.
Week #47
Jesus has RISEN from the dead! He begins to make appearances to many people. He provides us with the Great Commission and ascends to Heaven! We start reading Acts to see how the early Church is created, how persecutions of the Apostles happen, just as they did when Jesus spoke. We read of the death of Ananias and Sapphira, the work of Peter and Paul, and we read through the book of James, the half-brother of Jesus.
Week #46
As we begin this week's reading, Jesus predicts His death, they prepare for Passover, the apostles argue about who is greatest among them, we witness the original Lord's Supper, he talks to them after dinner, then goes to the garden, Judas betrays Jesus and Jesus is arrested and put on trial, Peter denies Him 3 times, and later in the week we read of our Lord's death on the cross, His burial, and RESURRECTION!
Week #45
So many parables...lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son, Lazarus and the rich man, the persistent widow, Pharisee the and Publican, laborers in the vineyard, the two sons, the wicked husband, and the wedding of the king's son. Jesus also raises Lazarus from the dead, heals two blind men, meets Zacchaeus, talks about the "great commandment", and observes the widow who offers everything. It's a busy week, and it's all about Jesus!
Week #44
This week Jesus feeds 5000, and it is noted in all 4 gospels. We read about the faith to walk on water, the healing of the blind and deaf, a lesson on taxes, and we hear Jesus's famous words to the adulterous woman, "Go and sin no more." He tells us He is the Light, the Door, and the good Shepherd, and he ends this week telling us how many will be saved. If you are not one of those who is saved, talk to someone this week and get that nailed down.
Week #43
We continue through the gospels this week. We start with the Sermon on the Mount, will see Jesus heal and raise people from the dead, teach 7 famous parables, cast out Legion, heal a woman on his way to raise another from the dead, heal 2 blind men, and travel to Galilee and send out the 12 disciples. There will be much more in between each of these stories. So many stories, so much love.
Week #42
After 9 1/2 months, you did it! You read the entire Old testament. Now we finish the New testament in the time remaining this year! We start with the genealogy of Jesus, then read about his birth and early childhood. We will read about John the Baptist and the baptism of Jesus. And we see that even Jesus is tempted by Satan, though he defeats Satan. And that is just the first 3 days! Prepare yourself. Lots of page turning, and LOTS of Jesus. Let the adventure begin!
Week #41
Can you believe we made it? This week we finish the Old Testament by reading the rest of Psalms along with Nehemiah and Malachi. We will read about the Nehemiah's grief over the condition of Jerusalem and the building and dedication of the wall. We will also spend one of our days reading the longest chapter in the Bible, 176 verses...Psalms 119. And finally in Malachi, as we prepare to start reading the New Testament next week, we will see prophecy of both John the Baptist, and Jesus Christ!
Week #40
OK, 2 more weeks and we will be through all of the Old Testament! How many of you have stayed as faithful in your weekly reading as you have so far this year? Anyone reading the Old Testament all the way through for the first time? This week we will continue with Psalms, finish Zechariah and Ezra, and read the amazing story of Esther! This is going to be fun!
Week #39
Daniel and the lion's den, Psalms, Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah. We are getting to the end of the Old Testament. Note the mention of "the Branch: in Zechariah, and the statement that the Temple is complete in Ezra,
Week #38
As we continue this week in Ezekiel, we read about the future temple, we read predictions against Egypt, and Nebuchadnezzar being humbled by God after a show of pride. Midweek we read some Psalms and we close out the week reading prophecy in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel about the fall of Babylon.
Week #37
Here we are all these years later and we have people wanting to return to Egypt. God tells them they will be punished if they return. They disobey and go to Egypt anyway. Sound like anyone you might know? Ezekiel ends his long message with hope for the captives, describing a glorious future for those who remain faithful to God.
Week #36
This week we turn pages again. We explore in several books the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians. There is also prophecy of the fall of Egypt. We will read about Jeremiah's imprisonment, God's promise for the future of His people, and Jeremiah in a dungeon. We wrap up the week in Lamentations.
Week #35
This week we will read the first half of the book of Ezekiel. He will talk about the people's sins, even withdrawing from the temple because of it. God tells us what He thinks about idolaters. and false prophets. These chapters show us that our attitude is important and that we are each accountable for our lives.
Week #34
It's week 34. We are 2/3 of the way through the year...and the bible. Have you stayed caught up? How are you liking the story this way? This week we continue through Jeremiah, reading about several historic events, the history of more kings, and the prediction of the fall of many nations. Pay particular attention to Jeremiah 31 which contains the promise of the New Testament.
Week #33
We continue in Jeremiah, learning about Josiah, Judah's sins and God's punishment, Josiah's death, and the reign of Jehoahaz and Jehoakim. We will also read Habakkuk, and start in Daniel, starting through many familiar stories. Pay special attention in Daniel Chapter 2 and read through the notes for additional information relevant to this chapter.
Week #32
We get to page turn again this week! We will read through the books of Nahum and Zephaniah. We will also read about the angel of Jehovah killing 185,000 Assyrians. We will learn about Hezekiah and Manasseh. We will read about Amon and Josiah. Nahum prophesies the fall of Nineveh, showing us they fell back into sin after Jonah's warning, and Zephaniah prophesies the Coming Day of Jehovah.
Week #31
This week we finish up Isaiah and Micah, reading about the coming church, and Micah's prophecy of the city of Messiah's birth. In Isaiah, we hear about Assyria threatening Judah, He pleads for God's people to be honest and humble. Assyria speaks out against God, but Hezekiah prays to God.
Week #30
As we continue this week in Isaiah, we read about sickness, idolatry, Isaiah's prophecies, and God's justified anger, but also about His commitment to mankind and about Jesus Christ! Focus on Isaiah 53 especially, as it describes Jesus! Every book in the Bible points to the Savior.
Week #29
This week we will spend most of our time in Isaiah. There seems to be evil everywhere and Isaiah begins to prophesy against it and against wicked nations - Palestina, Moab, Ethiopia, Egypt, Tyre, Assyria, Babylon, Judah. Just like today, there was evil everywhere and God is against it. He was then, and He is now. As we read, let's pray for the world today, that God will be patient and that people will open their eyes to the evil around them and repent.
Week #28
This week we continue to hear from Isaiah and we start to hear from Micah. We even hear about a virgin born Christ from Isaiah. We are introduced to more kings, good and bad. We read a story about unity in worship, but also hear about a sad future due to more sin. Finally to close out the week we read about Hosea speaking of Israel's punishment for their actions. This is an action packed week. Try to find yourself in these stories, the good ones and the bad ones. What do we learn about ourselves as we read through this week's lesson?
Week #27
We made it through all of the page-turning of the past few weeks. This week we get a bit of a break from that. We will read Hosea, Jonah, Amos, and then about a few more kings. The "sins of the people and nations" will be a theme throughout our reading this week. While we read, let's pray for forgiveness for our sins and for the many sins of our nation also.
Week #26
This week we continue to read about Elisha, we read about a letter from Elijah after he was taken up to Heaven, and we read about several more kings. This history helps us to understand God's patience with us and helps determine a historical timeline. More than 60 years will pass during our reading this week.
Week #25
The page-turning continues this week as we continue to look at the kings. We will meet Ahab, Jehoshaphat, Ahaziah, Ahaziah, and Jehoram. We will also meet Elijah, who will call down fire from heaven. He is one of the two men (along with Enoch) who never died. God brought them both straight to heaven.
Week #24
We hope you enjoyed your break. We are back to page turning this week! We will be reading in Kings and Chronicles about the death of Solomon, the chronology of the 12 tribes of Israel, the division of the kingdom, and the reign of several kings, both good and bad.
Week #23
This week we finish the wise words of Solomon in Proverbs. We then jump back into 1 Kings to read about Solomon's fall. We wrap up the week reading Ecclesiastes, Solomon's book on the vanity of life. In the end, his grand conclusion is one we hope you have come to as well....Life is truly vain without God! Avoid growing old without Him!
Week #22
Whew! We have done a lot of page turning in the last few days. We wrap that up this week and end the week in the book of Proverbs. This week we read more about Solomon and his great wisdom, we meet the Queen of Sheba, and we start reading the book of Solomon, Proverbs. Wisdom is the theme! Pray for it every day.
Week #21
This week the temple is built, Solomon's palace is built and dedicated, Solomon prays and the Lord approves. We finish off the week by reading the Song of Solomon, a book about love.
Week #20
This week we read about King Solomon. David instructs him on the Temple, and Solomon starts his 40 year reign. We read about those that will serve under him and his preparations to start building the temple. We end the week reading our first chapter in Proverbs.
Week #19
This week we read many of David's prayers in Psalms. Do you pray like this? We also read of Absolom's death and David's grief, the end of the reign of David and the anointing of Solomon. For being a man after God's own heart, David sure has his flaws. This should remind us that even in our weakness, God still loves us too!
Week #18
This week we read of the death of one of David's sons, the birth of another (Solomon), and the actions of a third rebellious son. We read about betrayals and enemies of David. These actions all take place because of David's sin with Bathsheba, God forgives, but consequences must still be faced.
Week #17
How did you survive all of the page-turning last week? This week is a bit easier on that front. This week we learn more and more about the life of David, how he was not allowed to be the one that rebuilt the temple, and about many of his battles. We also learn about how, despite his many blessings and victories, he lost sight of God and sinned with Bathsheba. Even the man after God's own heart was able to fall when he took his eyes off of God. Try daily not to make that same mistake.
Week #16
Last week focused on David and King Saul. This week we focus on KING David and his conflicts with the Philistines. We also learn more about the ark of the covenant and the strictness of God.
How are things going for you? Is the reading still exciting? The story seems to come alive as we read it in the order it actually happened.
Week #15
We continue our reading this week with LOTS about the early years of David and his adventures dealing with King Saul. Much of this will be familiar, as these stories are well known, but there are nuggets for everyone in here. Read as though you are doing it for the first time. Pray that God will show you something new this week.
Week #14
Can you believe it's week 14? This is an exciting week, we read several Psalms, and continue in 1 Samuel, where we meet King Saul, David and read about the epic battle between David and Goliath! Saul's jealousy against David, and a great friendship round out the week. Happy reading!
Week #13
As we finish Judges and jump into 1 Samuel this week, we continue to learn about the Judges, and we run into Sampson, a story many of us are familiar with. In 1 Samuel, we meet our final two judges, Eli and Samuel. If you are up to date, you are now more than 25% through the entire Bible. Keep up the great work!
Week #12
I hope your reading is still going well. This week we will finish reading Joshua (including the acknowledgement that the land promise has been fulfilled in Joshua 21:43-45 and the death of Joshua), read through the short book of Ruth, and start Judges - chronicling the people used by God to deliver Israel out of oppression.
Week #11
Good morning all! OK, it's a big week in our reading. Moses has some final words, then passes and Joshua takes over as the new leader. We read a few Psalms this week, and the Israelites begin to take over the promised land. And in our final day of reading this week, the sun will stand still! That's one busy week.
Week #10
Hey everyone. We are entering Week 10. You now find yourself about 25% of the way through the Old Testament, and almost 20% of the way through the entire Bible. We are in the last month of Moses's life. How is it going for you? We would love to hear if you are still reading along with us every week in the comments. Is the story coming to life by reading it like this?
Week #9
It's Week 9, and the Israelites continue to sin, and continue to wander in the desert. Doesn't that sound like us sometimes? As we finish Numbers and enter Deuteronomy, we look at the last month of the life of Moses. If you are still with us after 8 weeks, congrats! If you have fallen behind, use this week to catch back up to us!
Week #8
Hey there, Week 8 has arrived! Can you believe we have read 4 books completely already this year? Now we get into the 4th book in the OT, Numbers. This week we will start a book that happens over an almost 39 year period. More laws are given, people are counted, the observation of Passover is commanded, spies are sent to Canaan, and we see years of punishment where the "unbelievers" are forced to wander in the wilderness, dying before the reach the promised land.
Week #7
OK, it's that time again. Welcome back. I am so glad you are still with us. At this point, it's becoming a habit, right? We begin Week 7 by continuing through the Book of Leviticus. We will be reviewing a LOT of laws this week. Fun fact - Were you aware that the first 5 books of the Bible were written by Moses?
Week #6
OK, everyone. It's Week 6! Time for some rules and instructions (and a tabernacle). Be sure to read the notes too, they are extremely beneficial in understanding what is going on at a high level.
Week #5
Here we are...one month in and we have read all of Genesis and all of Job. For those who may have never read through the bible in a year, you have already read almost 10% of the Old Testament. Now it's time for some more familiar stories - Aaron and Moses, the 10 plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, and the 10 Commandments. Here we go!
Week #4
Hey, happy to see you again this week. Have you stayed caught up? If so, you just finished reading about Abraham and Isaac. This week we read about Jacob, Esau, and Joseph. Hope you are enjoying your time in the Word. Can you believe you are almost a month into reading the whole Bible? It's true.
Week #3
It's week 3, are you still with us? This week we will continue reading about Job, and then finish the week reading about Abraham. I hope you are enjoying this and asking questions. I know there have been a couple of good ones posed that I went back and studied the past week. Here's an example. If the snake was Satan in the garden of Eden, when did he fall from Heaven?
Week #2
Good morning FBG! How was your first week in our goal toward reading the Bible together chronologically this year? I hope you found it easy. We will be completely in the book of Job for Week 2. If you got distracted during Week 1, there is still plenty of time to catch up to us. Let's work to make this daily reading of God's Word a habit.
Week #1
Hey, glad to see you decided to join us. Happy New Year! What better way to spend a year than reading through God's Word. The attached image provides this week's readings. We are looking forward to taking this journey with you all. Here we go!