Ready to take your next step? You are in the right place!
Step 1 - I'm New!!
Great! We love guests! Come and complete our First Time Guest Card (either in person or digitally - Here).
Don't forget your First Time Guest special gift!
We would love to connect with you on Social Media:
We hope you love your visit to FBC Geneva!
Step 2 - I want to have a meeting with the Pastor
Send an email to:
Step 3 - I want to publicly profess faith in Jesus Christ!
You can simply...
1) respond in one of our public services,
2) talk directly to our Pastor, or
3) Send an email to:
Step 4 - I want to follow Jesus' instruction to be baptized!
You can simply...
1) respond in one of our public services,
2) talk directly to our Pastor, or
3) Send an email to:
Step 5 - I want to attend First Baptist's Discovering FBC Geneva Class and join this church!
You can simply...
1) respond in one of our public services,
2) talk directly to our Pastor, or
3) Send an email to:
Step 6 - I'm ready to use my gifting and serve at First Baptist Geneva!
Send an email to: