Chronologically Through the Bible in One Year - 2024

In 2024, we are chronologically reading through the Bible in one year!

Week #52

You made it through! It is Week 52, and as we wrap up Revelation, we want to congratulate you on reading through the Bible in a year! Hopefully reading it this way was helpful to you. Happy New Year! And Lord willing, we will start all over next week/next year. See you then!

Week #51

It is Week 51. Only 2 weeks to go! If you are still caught up, great work. If not, you have time, and there is always next year. We will do this again, and you will get something else out of the same material next year when you read the same thing as this year. Stay in His Word! Merry Christmas!!

Week #50

It is Week 50! We continue reading several of Paul's letters, and we prepare to finish the larger story we have been reading all year. We will read through several shorter books in the next week or two. Maybe as you prepare to read, do a bit of research to understand who the letters were written to, and what it was like in that area at the time of the writing.

Week #49

It's Week 49! Only 4 more weeks and you will have read the entire Bible! Stay focused now. We know it's a busy season, so if you are not doing so already, maybe start your day with your reading, so that you don't get busy and forget. As we enter the Christmas season, continue to pray that God will reveal Himself to you during your reading. Now, let's finish Romans and Acts....

Week #48

It is Week 48! Only 5 weeks to go! We continue through several books written by Paul again this week. You are almost there - more than 90% now. You can do it!

Week #47

It's Week 47 and we will be hearing from Paul all week. Paul should be an inspiration to us all. If God can turn Paul's life around and use him to so great an extent, He can do the same for you and me! That is worth celebrating! We are approaching the finish line, hang in there and keep reading. Have a great week!

Week #46

Only 7 weeks to go! We read more in Acts (about the early church) and read all of the book that Jesus' brother James wrote. Then we start on Paul's letter to the Thessalonian church. Let's plan to finish the year strong, and as Thanksgiving approaches in a couple weeks, let's remember what we really have to be thankful for, and start adding that to our prayers each day.

Week #45

Week 45 and we are finishing up the Gospels and starting in Acts. Our Lord has died on the cross for OUR sins, and He has RISEN! As we read this, our hearts should rejoice! Also, know that we only have a few weeks left. We are almost half way through the NT already. You are almost there!

Week #44

It's Week 44 and we are blazing through the gospels. What do you think? There is a lot of repetition in some of these readings, but each gospel provides a different perspective on the story. They all seem to add a little something different or extra. If something is in the Bible once, it is important, but if it is in there 2 or 3 times, it must mean God really wants us to pay attention. Happy reading!

Week #43

10 weeks to go! Are you ready to finish strong? Let's read more about Jesus again this week. Hearing His words on a daily basis has hopefully been a blessing for you the last few weeks.

Week #42

Week 42 brings us more of the gospels. Lot's of red-letter reading again this week. It is always exciting to see what our Savior has to say to us. He is so often rejected by religious leaders, it is hard to believe looking back, but then again, we see people everyday that still reject Him. Our study helps us to learn more so that we can try to introduce those people to the Jesus that we know.

Week #41

It's Week 41, and we are in the Gospels. What fun it is to see the different perspectives on the same stories from the various authors. The consistent thing throughout those stories is Jesus. Today, Jesus is still consistent. That is something you can always count on!

Week #40

All right folks, buckle up, because here we go! The birth of Jesus, John the Baptist, Jesus ministry and miracles. The stories may be familiar, but look for revelations from the Holy Spirit as you read through this time. We can't wait to see what you get out of your time in the Word this week!

Week #39

If you finish the reading this week with us - you did it!! We will have finished the Old Testament on the last day of September, and October 1 we start reading the New Testament! If you have never done this before, congratulations! What did you learn? Do you feel like you know the story better than you did back in January? We hope this helped you all to grow closer to the Lord and start a daily habit you continue for the rest of your life.

Week #38

As we approach 75% of our complete year, we read about Esther and Mordecai, we finish Ezra, and start Nehemiah. As he builds the wall, those against him come to stop him, and he replies to them, “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?” What wall are you building, and is anyone trying to stop you? Don't be distracted, keep working for God.

Week #37

We enter Week 37 with Daniel and the lion's den. Let's stop and think for a moment. What has God done for you throughout your life to get you through tough, scary, or challenging times? It probably does not take you long to think of something. So if He got you through that, why do you worry every time a new challenge appears? Let's pray to thank God that He already has it in His sights, and He knows how He will get you through it. Praise God!

Week #36

Well, we are almost to the end of the Old Testament (almost 90%). You are well on your way. In another month or so, we start Matthew. In between the end of the OT and the NT are 400 years of silence. As we wrap up the OT, let's pay extra attention to what God has to say to them, and to us!

Week #35

Congrats! You have read two-thirds of the Bible! We are about 85% done with the Old Testament. For those who have not done this before, you are well on your way to reading the Bible in a year! For those that have, you are doing it again. What is different this time? Has God showed you something new? As you start the final third, start praying that God will speak to you through His word, and that He will show you who to encourage to join us next year as we do all of this once again!

Week #34

Ezekiel and Jeremiah continue to warn Israel of their sinful ways this week. We are approaching two-thirds of the way through the Bible. We hope you are still staying consistent in your study with us. God has provided us all we need to know in the Bible. We just need to go to it consistently and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us as we read. Don't be discouraged if you are a bit behind. Maybe use the Bible app to have it read to you and get caught back up again. Have a great week in the Word!

Week #33

It's week 33! As we approach two-thirds of the Bible read, we finish up in Jeremiah and start reading the prophet Ezekiel. He will reach out to the exiles and warn of the destruction of Israel. How often does He need to remind us to stay on the righteous path as well? As we read, pray that God will show us His path for each of us.

Week #32

In Week 32 we continue reading through Jeremiah, we start reading about Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar, and we hear a familiar story about the King's dream! As we read this week, pay attention to how those who choose not to follow God and His word never end up in a good place. We often think we know what is best for us, but do we stop to ask God where He would have us go so that we end up in a good place? If not, let's start doing that more often this week.

Week #31

This week we cross over 60% complete in our reading, and we read from Jeremiah, Zephaniah, and Habakkuk. We read of warnings to God's people to turn from their sin and follow Him. He warns them over and over. Do we need this message this week again too? We need to turn from our sin and dive deeper into His word, listening to what He tells us and following His instruction.

Week #30

This week, as we approach 60% of the Bible complete, we finish up Isaiah and start in Jeremiah. We will read of the death of Isaiah at the hands of Hezekiah's son, Manasseh. He brings back idols and God uses Assyria to humble him. Later, when Manasseh repents, God restores him. As we begin in Jeremiah, he comes to warn the southern kingdom that faithlessness will lead them to calamity if they do not repent. Just like us, the people of God stray over and over again. Thank you God for Your patience and mercy!

Week #29

We are heading towards 60% complete, are you still hanging in there with us? Hopefully, you are picking up steam, and not starting to fall behind as we head into the second half of the year. If you are, pray for a renewed thirst to read God's word with us as we continue in Isaiah this week.

Week #28

We continue to read the prophets this week, both Micah, and Isaiah. Micah predicts Israel's future in the last days, and Isaiah also declares that righteousness will ultimately reign. Before that though, Israel and it's people go through trials and rebellious periods. Does that sound familiar to you? We all go through those periods. Hopefully reading the Bible with us this year has started to reveal these patterns in your own life, so you can try to change them.

Week #27

We are officially past the 50% mark and going strong! This week we continue to read in Isaiah, and we start Nahum. We read of men, their sinful nature, and God's response to their sinfulness. We read this, but do we learn? Do we not also continue to sin? It is only because of the love and mercy of God that we have this message, and that we can pray for forgiveness over and over, just like those we read about each week. Thank you God for your mercy!

Week #26

So as we approach the end of June, if you are caught up on your reading, that means you have read over 50% of the Bible. You are half way through! For some, this may be the first time you have done that. Congrats!! For others, this happens every year. Congrats to you too! If your experience is like most, it is almost like doing it for the first time every year, because God shows us something different in it each time we read the Bible. Never stop reading!!

Week #25

This week we continue to read about kings, prophets, and one of the most famous stories in the Bible, but in reality we read about men - sinful men. One king is faithful for many years, but let's his guard down and falls into idolatry. No matter how strong our walk with God may have been up to now, we have an enemy that is after us. We need to stay vigilant, even if we have walked with Jesus for a long time. We are not perfect. We too can fail, if our faith is not in the correct place, or if we get complacent in our walk.

Week #24

We start Week 24, just 3 weeks away from the halfway point in our study (and the year) reading about an evil king who didn't do what God wanted. He honored other gods. Are you doing that anywhere in your life. As we read this week, pray that God will show us the things in our lives that we value over Him. If there are things we are idolizing, let's pray together that God will reveal them to us and provide us the strength to walk away, placing all our faith in Him.

Week #23

We begin Week 23 with the appointment of Jeroboam as king, and with Israel split from Judah. We read of the kingship of many men after this reign ends, some good, some bad, but all end the same way, a death and a new appointment. As we read, be comforted by the fact that God will always reign, and through Jesus Christ death has also been defeated. As we continue to read God's word, be comforted that we can live forever with Him. All the worldly turmoil will pass one day.

Week #22

As we approach June, we approach one month away from the half-way point. For those doing this for the first time, hang in there! You are doing amazing! This week we will read more Proverbs and start Ecclesiastes in June. Solomon will not heed his own advice, will fall into sin, but will ultimately realize his mistakes. He passes away after a 40 year reign.

Week #21

This week we will continue through Proverbs, and we will read Song of Songs. We are past the 40% mark of the entire Bible, and at 53% of the Old Testament read. Have you made it this far before? If you are struggling with any parts of the Bible? Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you, instruct you, and help you to understand. Don't stop now! This is too important.

Week #20

It is the middle of May...and that means we are approaching 40% of the Bible read! Great work! What is God showing you this year in your reading? For me the Old testament showed me a lot of rules I could not keep. I can't even keep 10. I need Christ, because I cannot do it by myself, nor could David or Solomon. Don't be too hard on yourself, and be encouraged...God uses broken sinners like us all the time to do his work!

Week #19

We continue our reading and learn of David's final time as king, his death, Solomon's rise to king and his building of the Temple. This week we also read that Solomon prayed and asked for wisdom. Is that something you pray for? If not, let's stop right now and pray for wisdom as we read this week's chapters. May you all find wisdom in His words.

Week #18

As we continue to read about David, we see a story that we have all heard. The part we may miss is that David was not where he should have been, and that's why he was there to be tempted. Are you where God wants you to be? We know He wants you to read His word, and we are wrapping up the 4th month of the year. If you are caught up, you are 1/3 of the way through the year...and the Bible. Keep up the great work!

Week #17

You have made it one-third of the way through the Bible. 33%! Congratulations. We continue to read about David his week, and read one of the most famous David stories - Bathsheba and Uriah. Many, including David's own son, turn against him as a result of that particular sin. May God bless you in your reading this week!

Week #16

Johnathan dies, David gains the throne, the ark of the covenant is brought to Jerusalem, and we learn that David's son, a man of peace, will be the one to build the Temple. Along the way we read many of David's prayers and songs (Psalms). As we approach the end of April, and a THIRD of the way through the Bible, we hope you are appreciating the time you are spending daily in God's word. We pray it is a special time and brings you closer to Jesus as the year continues.

Week #15

As we approach 30% of the Bible completed, we read about David and Saul. We will see that David was not perfect, but was a man after God's own heart. Are we pursuing God's heart as we read, or are we checking off a box on our "to-do" list? Let's[ray that God stirs our hearts as we read this week, and that He shows us something that He has for us in our time with Him.

Week #14

Can you believe we are 3 months through 2024? That means you have read about 25% of the Bible so far. How is it going? Does the story make more sense to you this way? We hope so. Many have told us of their excitement in reading the story and having a clearer understanding. That is great! Keep praying for clarity each day as you read. Let God show you His wonderful message that ties the entire bible into one amazing story!

Week #13

It's going to be a big week. We will continue through most of Judges, read the book of Ruth, and start 1 Samuel. We will meet both Ruth and Sampson this week. Stories we are familiar with, for sure. But let's read them with fresh eyes, praying God will reveal something new to us this time!

Week #12

We finish Joshua by the end of the week and start the first bit of Judges. The Book of Judges covers the time between the conquest described in the Book of Joshua and the establishment of a kingdom in the Books of Samuel, during which biblical judges served as temporary leaders. Keep up your reading. God has great insights in store for you as you continue to read His word.

Week #11

We are more than 20% through the Bible. Great work! We will finish up Deuteronomy and dive right into Joshua. Think about took us 2 and a half months to read through the first 5 books of the Biblical times, they memorized the first 5 books by their teen years. We have work to do! ;o)

Week #10

It's Week 10 of 52. We are approaching 20% of the Bible read. How is it going? Are you hearing from God? Are you starting off your reading praying to hear from God? Let's try that every day this weekend see if anything changes as we continue through Deuteronomy.

Week #9

It's a new week. And this week we have an extra day, thanks to Leap Year. No reading is scheduled for February 29. We suggest you spend that day reflecting on what you have read so far this year, and pray that God will continue to show you His plan through your reading the rest of the year.

Week #8

It's Week 8 out of 52. You are doing it! As we approach 15% we continue through Numbers and Leviticus. Aaron and Moses are the main characters this week. We will learn a lot about the Levites. Let's pray that the Lord speaks to us this week during our reading.

Week #7

As we enter Week 7, we will be reading in the Book of Leviticus. Many rules are laid out in this Chapter. Rules we don't follow today. Rules we can't follow today. We can't even follow 10 (Commandments). So why are they all here if we are not bound to them today? Maybe to show us that we can't earn our way to Heaven by being good or doing works. We need Jesus!

Week #6

10%! This past week we went by the 10% complete mark. We have heard the excitement in your voices as you tell us how the story comes to life. It all makes more sense this time right? Keep reading, and keep praying that God will show you His story in greater detail for the rest of the year!!

Week #5

OK, so here is where we stand. If you are caught up as we start our 5th week, you have read more than 8% of the Bible already, and you are only 3 days away from reading God's word every day for an entire month! That is a great way to spend a month....let's do it again in February. This will be easy, it's a short month.

Week #4

It's Week 4. Can you believe you have already read through more than 5% of the Bible in less than a month. If you stay consistent you can do this! Let's finish up Job and start in Exodus together!

Week #3

It's Week 3 already! This week we start reading the Book of Job. We hope this is going well for you and that you are feeling excited about adding God's word into your daily life. Keep up the great work!

Week #2

Well? How was that first week? Did it go by fast? Are you still on pace? Did you have it read the text to you on your way to work? Just a few questions as we start Week 2. How are you liking this plan? We hope it blesses you. It's only 1 week in, tell someone else about it. Share it and let's make God's Word our priority this year!

Week #1

As we start off 2024, we will start our reading on Monday, January 1st, not today. Use today to finish your reading for this past year, to pray for God to speak to you and teach you in 2024, and to find the app on your phone. Then, on Monday, you can start the plan, and your reading of God's Word with us through 2024. If you would , please add a comment to this message, so we know who is participating this year. Good luck and may God bless you in the new year!